Order Tracking

Tracking Your Order

If you have an account, you can check the status of your order at anytime, by simply logging into your account and clicking “View Order Status”. If your order states “Awaiting Fulfillment”, your order has been received and is being processed by our warehouse. If your order has “Shipped”, you will see a delivery tracking number.

If you do not have an account, please contact our customer service team, at tracking@sheargear.com or call 407-636-5500. We will be happy to provide you with your order status or tracking information. To better help us assist you, please have your order number and last name on the order ready.

Unavailable Items

If, due to an unforeseen event, the item you ordered becomes out of stock or no longer available: We promise these cases are rare. However, if an item in your order does become unavailable, you will be contacted within 24 to 48 hours about the cancellation. You may request to have that item substituted with another item of equal value. If your order contains additional items, these items will still be shipped to you and the unavailable item will be removed from your order and a refund will be issued for the value of the unavailable item.